Almost half of female workers work part time compared with only 1 in 6 male workers1.
While many women choose to work part time because they like the flexibility to study or work in more than one job, many find it a necessity following the birth of a child. While this is generally a positive and happy time, it is also a period of significant change – both for their lifestyle and their income.
In January 2011, the Australian Government introduced a Paid Parental Leave (PPL) scheme for eligible working parents, providing an opportunity for families to take the time to care for their newborn child.
According to a report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), since November of that year, 80% of women employed while pregnant had access to paid leave entitlements in their job and of those, 49% took a combination of paid and unpaid leave for the birth of their child2.
For most women, while there was some money coming in, there was also a loss of income in this period, particularly when you consider that the average length of leave a mother took for the birth of a child and the subsequent care was 32 weeks2.
According to that same ABS report, following the birth of a child, 65% of women change to part time work, so they are not only losing income while on maternity leave, they are then dropping to a potentially lower salary when they do start working again.
While there is nothing wrong with working part time, the women who do will find they have a total lifetime income significantly lower than men, which in turn affects their potential to contribute to, and accumulate wealth. Ultimately, the flow-on effect of this is that they may have less independence and security.
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1. Council of Australian Governments (2013). Tracking Equity: Comparing outcomes for women and girls across Australia. Available at:
2. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2013). 4102.0 Australian Social Trends. Pregnancy and Work Transitions. Available at: